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+94 113 699 599 / +94 771 325 232 tours@koonholidays.com

Train ride to Ella on the nine archers Bridge

Ella, Sri Lanka

Taking a train ride to Ella is a very popular experience among tourists & locals too. That is because of the beautiful landscape this train ride goes through such as Mountains, Rock tunnels, Bridges, Tea plantations & many more attractions in Sri Lanka.

Plenty of small-time individual merchants are trying to sell you various things such as; Water bottles, soft drinks, tea, Coffee, Lotteries, newspapers, local homemade food items (Wade, Halapa, Roti) & even mobile phone reload cards are available to buy. Don’t forget to help them by buying few things because that may be the only income they have to sustain their families.

In 1921 nine arches bridge was completed using blocks of stone and cement. the 91m long, 24m high bridge has been constructed entirely without steel which is a miracle. Nine archers bridge is a famous attraction in Ella. the famous blue train slowly passing its way across the bridge is beautiful scenery every tourist would live to witness while in Ella.